Tuesday, October 8, 2024

...We're in trouble...

The Machine is Us/ing Us 

Yep. And this is why when AOL online came out, and I was over at my friend Jenny's house, standing there while she sat at "the family computer", because that's how it was back then in the 90's, I was not excited. 

It's like that time after I had graduated high school in summer 2000, when my friend Roxanne said "Hey, you need to get a Myspace. It's this cool new thing..." I remember thinking deep down to myself, "Why would I ever want to do that??" 

And yet 24 years later, I am somebody who posts about my life online. Because I need to, and that's how it works now. 

But, I do believe this thing called technology is going to destroy us. 

I'm not sure if I need to say more about the video...

I will say that I basically went off the deep end at the end of 2003, and then came back up through the fires of hell here on earth to reemerge in 2017, only by and through the grace of a power that is greater than myself, INDEED. 

That being said, I was not really about my wits when many of these rapid advancements in technology were occurring, because I was wandering through over a decade of fated years in darkness as part of my waking up process to understand why I am on earth. But once I did come back to life so to speak, I began learning how to "get along and manage" with the ever-evolving technology that nowadays we cannot live without. Sometime in the late 90's and 2000's the world started moving so fast that I couldn't keep up and I ate the dust of the wreckage that my life had become. It took me a while to start everything over and try again.

I will say that despite my deficits, I have done quite well. This will be my 4th quarter at UWT and so far, I have earned a 4.0 GPA for the past two quarters, got hired in the career center and took on the task of being an officer in one of UWT's new RSO's called FISA (Formerly Incarcerated Student Association). 

The video was well done, however too fast for me, but that smart man could see what was coming and foreshadowed our what our needs to re-think many things about how we will operate in a digital world would be. An example of needing to rethink copywrite was given to us in Monday's class regarding a lawsuit over a copywrite denial of a prize-winning image that was generated with AI. ai-generated-artwork


Epic 2014

It was important to watch.


...We're in trouble...

The Machine is  Us/ing Us  Yep. And this is why when AOL online came out, and I was over at my friend Jenny's house, standing there wh...